The ITS vehicle tracking system combines GPS/GSM and online mapping technology, so there is no need for separate software or mapping software, and the framework is easy to learn how to use. The interface of the ITS Portal is clear, intuitive and easy to use, even for people with average computer skills. The system can be managed through an internet browser, so it can be used on almost any computer or tablet (with internet access). From your computer or mobile phone, you can always see up-to-the-minute information on the position of your vehicles. If your vehicle is on the move, you can also see in which direction it is travelling, at what speed, how long it has been moving, how many kilometres it has travelled since its last stop, etc. The system is all about data and statistics and making them easily accessible. With the help of an API, your ERP system can easily and securely obtain detailed information about any data on the routes taken by your vehicles or on their trip tickets. It provides data to optimise fleet operations and routes, saving you fuel costs!
With our GPS-based fleet management and tracking system, you can monitor your vehicles 24/7. You can see your current position, trip characteristics, check your previous routes and stops. Depending on the service you use, you can also get information on vehicle specifications, vehicle usage and drivers. You can use the system to detect black runs, unjustified vehicle use, check fuel consumption and get a better return on your investment!

Basic ITS vehicle tracking system services
Display route on map and vehicle status (stationary or moving)
Hungary’s E-toll road network
The map shows the e-toll road network of Hungary.
Real-time vehicle tracking
The status of the vehicle (stationary/moving), the HU-GO status (vehicle is on a toll-free or toll road), its real-time location (current position), current speed, last departure, last stop, kilometres travelled, etc. can be read from the interface.
Plotting the route travelled
The system plots the route on the map, which also shows whether the vehicle has travelled on a toll-free or toll road.
E-ticket / e-toll cost detailer
With the e-ticket function you can view the arrival and departure times to and from your partners, average speed, waiting time. In this interface, you can set the display period, i.e. the period you want to view, and also retrieve the registration number data. For our customers who subscribe to our e-toll declaration service, the e-toll cost column shows the e-toll cost for the given vehicle. The cost data shown here are for information only! Official e-toll costs can be obtained from the HU-GO system.
The journey form itself is of course generated per vehicle, including all stations and necessary vehicle data (journey time, average speed, distance, km per hour, downtime, company/private status. If there are POI points in the system, they are shown categorised and separated by colour. If there is a driver, this is also displayed.
The e-schedule report can be scheduled, automated and retrieved by e-mail.
Position retrieval
Shows the position of a given vehicle by any date.
POI(Points of Interest) management – Pick up important places/partners
Zone management (GeoFence/Geo-Fence)
In this menu you can define areas (zones) that the system will notify you when you enter or leave them.
Manage users
In the Users menu, you can register staff members who are authorised to use the vehicle tracking system. The registered staff member’s access rights can also be set in this interface, i.e. only the information running under the set function buttons can be viewed by the authorised staff member (e.g. map, routes, statistics, etc.).
OBU application for our toll paying customers (over 3.5 tonnes)
Short description of the main optional services available
Can display data
By selecting the right basic tool, you can access technical data such as odometer reading, fuel level, consumption, revs, or even the status of door openings. The data available also depends on the year and type of the vehicle.
Driver identification
It is possible to use NFC or RFID tags to ensure accurate driver identification at all times, so that the user of the vehicle can always be traced. If the company uses such standard identification cards, it is possible to train them for identification (one-off testing to ensure compatibility).
Forced identification
The standard identification is complemented by an anti-start module, which prevents the driver from starting the vehicle without identification. This can be used with an audible alarm instead of a prohibition, when he can start the vehicle, but will hear a shrill beep reminding him of the identification task.
Remote blocking
With the inclusion of a start blocking module, it will be possible to send a command to the vehicle remotely (even from a mobile phone) with the appropriate permissions, which will prevent the next start (this option is limited for certain car types).
Automatic e-Parking
The service is available nationwide at locations where the National Mobile Payments Ltd. System is in operation. The service is activated when the ignition is switched off and stopped when it is switched on again. The ITS GO+ application informs the driver of any changes via push message and voice message and, of course, it is possible to intervene in the process if necessary. Free zones can be added to the system and a warning is sent in case of a stop at a zone limit.
Electronic waybill
The E-Ticket, which can be generated via the ITS GO+ application, contains all the information required for an E-Ticket for own account transport under 3.5 tonnes.
Office/private status management
The choice of statuses that can be managed via the ITS GO+ application (or by installing a physical switch) is adapted to the choice of the timetable and online tracking functions. In private status, routes are hidden at the request of the client.
Temperature monitoring
The ITS -TS thermometer module allows you to continuously monitor the desired temperature in the vehicle’s cargo area (our measurement range is unique: -49 – 100 Co temperature range)
Statistics module
In the statistics report, statistics can be retrieved retrospectively for different time intervals (using jQuery Calendar), even for several vehicles at the same time, thus allowing the comparison of statistics for each vehicle – opening and closing odometer readings, distance travelled, consumption, fuel used.
The refuelling statistics collect and compare the refuelling times, the fuel filled and the consumption between refuelling for each vehicle.
In the temperature report, you can query the temperature data measured by your temperature sensor over several periods.
The daily allowance report calculates the number of days for which a foreign daily allowance is “allowed”, in accordance with the relevant legislation.
The reports of the statistics module can also be scheduled, automated and downloaded by e-mail.
Form/worksheet management module
Via the ITS GO+ application, it is possible to attach mandatory, optional or free-fillable forms or worksheets to a route, which are entered in the journey log.
ITS GO+ application
A virtual token-based mobile application (for Android and iOS phones) that provides the driver with access to and control of several ITS services related to the vehicle he is currently driving, and also provides current vehicle information and the current position of the vehicle.
Monitoring mode application
A newly developed mobile application that provides full tracking for monitoring the entire fleet (according to entitlements). You can find most of the technical data, retrieve and replay the route of the previous days.
API connection
We can ensure that existing enterprise management systems can automatically retrieve certain information from our server via API connection, making it easier to process and further utilise the data.
Custom development options
Some of our modules (e.g. route planner module, cost module) are in a pre-developed state and can be customised and activated under an individual agreement.